Happy Halloween everyone! Hopefully everyone had some fun tonight. For anyone who is still at home, there are a couple things that you can still do today. The Saints are playing Club Midway in the East Village tonight and will probably go on around Midnight (call the club for set times). I saw the band play last night at Maxwell's and they were fabulous. Look for picture and some video clips from the show later this week.If you are going to stay in tonight, The Simpsons Hit & Run has a Halloween menu screen. (I keep forgetting that there is essentially a computer processor in the new video game consoles). On the game's start screen, Homer is sleeping in the dark and there are pumpkins and skeletons scattered across the Simpsons' living room. It is kind of fun to see the someone took the time to code up a bunch of easter eggs.
Anti recording artist Tim Fite released a six song download of new material that is available only today (here is the link). Here is the "background" on these tracks that was posted to Anti's website:
Fite says “Last year when I was trick or treating, I decided go to the house that nobody ever goes to. There was no light on the porch, no jack-o-lantern on the stair, no bowl of candy with a note warning to "only take one." There was only a faint pulsing glow under the door, and a large wrought iron knocker. I knocked, and a very old man answered the door. He said he didn't have any candy (because it was bad for his diabetes), but that he'd be happy to give me a recording of his six favorite songs. I held out my sack, and with a shaking veiny hand, he dropped in a worn looking cassette tape. I said thank you, and walked quickly back to the road.”Tim Fite is in town on November 17 for a show at Blender Theatre at Gramercy.
“As soon as I got home, I popped the tape into my boom-box. The music that came out was like none I'd ever heard before – sort of a cross between a horror movie soundtrack and an instrumental funk/disco record played on vintage synthesizers. There were no vocals and no indication on the tape as to where the music came from, only six of the scariest songs I had ever listened to. I wanted to know more about them, but that was going to have to wait until morning.”
“The next day I went back to the house to ask the strange old man about his favorite songs. When I arrived there was a realtor tapping a for sale sign into the grass with a yellow mallet. I asked her if the old man was home; her face dropped and she replied, "Goodness no! He passed on about six months ago. I think it was the diabetes."
“For the year since that fateful Halloween, I have been haunted by the old man's favorite songs. I couldn't help but wonder if there was some kind of supernatural force at work that wanted me to add lyrics to them.”