The Hives: Black, White and Run: Nike + Original Remix CD Review ~ BrooklynRocks: NYC Music Blog

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Hives: Black, White and Run: Nike + Original Remix CD Review

The Hives & Nike Remix The Black and White Album as a Jogging SoundtrackAs I have been going to the gym more, I have been trying to load up my iPod with workout music that is going to keep me going. I have been listening to a lot of Earache Records releases when lifting but you can't really run to death metal blast beats.

I have been listening to The Hives - Black, White and Run CD my last few times at the gym and this is really what I have been looking for. Production duo Expensive People have taken elements from The Hives' The Black and White Album and have crafted them into a high-energy disc which you can pace your run by. Unlike a lot of other remix discs, this 45 minute set would hold its own in the dance clubs as well as the gym.

There are elements from "Try It Again", "Won't Be Long", "Tick Tick Boom" and a number of other well-known Hives songs. The disc begins with a brisk start and then picks up the pace as the music intensifies. The breather breaks don't slow the pace much so it isn't until the end of the disc when the beats slow down for the cool-down. This disc runs about 45 minutes and it will drive an aggressive workout.

Here is a two minute sampler from the disc and you can click the CD cover to purchase Black, White and Run from iTunes.

The Hives