Mirror Maze: iPhone Game Review (Assyria Studio) ~ BrooklynRocks: NYC Music Blog

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mirror Maze: iPhone Game Review (Assyria Studio)

Mirror Maze: iPhone Game Review (Assyria Studio)Mirror Maze is a deceptively simple looking game that requires nerves of steel and a steady hand.

The objective of the game is to guide the red ball from the green "start" box to the red "end" box without touching any of the walls. The immediate challenge is that the green ball mirrors your movements and you also lose if the green ball touches a wall. While the first few levels are fairly easy, there are 36 levels in total which progressively increase in difficulty. The difficulties start with asymmetrical mazes and move from there into moving walls and warp gates.

As puzzle games go, Mirror Maze offers more variation than most which keeps it interesting. For those who are into competitive playing, the game also contains a (now expected) leader board.

Mirror Maze is available for $1.99 in the AppStore and there is a free lite version which contains twelve levels.

Assyria Studio